


It's wonderful to have devotional thoughts from Erica Botha this week! You can learn more about her on our contributors page. I had surgery last year to remove the right side of my thyroid. There was one additional nodule that was near my heart that the surgeon had to...

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The Completeness of Christ

The Completeness of Christ

It's a pleasure to hear devotional thoughts from Autumn Pearson this week! You can learn more about her on the contributors page. I am a consumer of words—podcasts, lectures, books. I listen often and quickly. I rarely listen to music; however, occasionally, a song...

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At a Loss

At a Loss

Thrilled to hear devotional thoughts from Jennifer Epperson this week! Take a moment to learn more about her on our contributors page. Quite often we can find ourselves at a loss for words. We don’t know what to say to a friend grieving over the loss of a loved one....

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Is My Speech Acceptable?

Is My Speech Acceptable?

Our culture certainly encourages “speak your mind,” leading people to make statements such as “I had to say something,” “I had no choice,” “I had to speak up for myself,”  “People need to know how I feel.”   We can easily see the fruits of that...

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Imagining Something Worthwhile

Imagining Something Worthwhile

We're thrilled to hear devotional thoughts from Rebekah Hawk this week! You can learn more about her on our contributors page. This month, my rambunctious homeschool crew is studying the continent of North America. So far, we have brought Northern Canada to life by...

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Follow Me

Follow Me

What a pleasure to hear devotional thoughts from Vicki Weimer this week! You can learn more about her on our contributors page. Just walk in my footprints," my husband said as we walked down the slick, snowy slope. Each Christmas, our family cuts down a tree. Unlike...

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When Morning Comes

When Morning Comes

We're excited to hear devotional thoughts from Pamela Polanco this week! You can learn more about her on the contributors page. There was a season in my life when every day felt the same—heavy, exhausting, and filled with the same unanswered prayers. I was waiting for...

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He Means What He Says

He Means What He Says

We're thrilled to hear devotional thoughts from Elisabeth Buono this week! You can stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. This year, my husband and I have been reading through the Bible beginning in Genesis, and it has been a wonderful study so far....

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Waiting by Faith

Waiting by Faith

It's a pleasure to have devotional thoughts from Amy Yohe this week! You can learn more about her on the contributors page. Did you wonder if there’s a mistake in that title? Aren’t we seeking to walk by faith, live by faith, and pursue Christ likeness by faith? Isn’t...

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A New Year and a New Beginning

A New Year and a New Beginning

This week we are excited to read devotional thoughts from Cindee Bailey. You can learn more about her on the contributors page. A new year and a new beginning!  For some, changes are being made to be more active or eat healthier, for others change might mean being...

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It's such a pleasure to have Autumn Pearson join as a blog writer this week and share devotional thoughts. You can learn more about her by stopping by the contributors page. I love beginnings—a new year, a new school year, a new week (yes, I love Mondays!). Starting...

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Greater Things

Greater Things

What a blessing to hear devotional thoughts from Jennifer Epperson this week! If you'd like to learn more about her, just stop by our contributors page. In John chapter one, Jesus is gathering His disciples. In verse 43, He says to Philip, “Follow me.” Philip finds...

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Choosing to Abide

Choosing to Abide

As I contemplate what it means to abide in Christ, I find it simply overwhelming that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, desires that I – with all my many failures - abide in Him!  I believe our heart’s desire truly is to abide in Christ, to “remain or dwell” in Him;...

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Harmony for the Musically Illiterate

Harmony for the Musically Illiterate

What a pleasure to have devotional thoughts from Rebekah Hawk this week! If you'd like to learn more about her, take a moment and stop by our contributors page. Romans 15:5-6 “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one...

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Time for a Checkup

Time for a Checkup

It's a pleasure to hear devotional thoughts from Pamela Polanco this week! You can learn more about her on the contributors page. A few months ago, our pediatrician insisted that our newborn needed a heart checkup. Surprised, I asked if there were any reason for...

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My Faithful God

My Faithful God

For as long as I can remember, my parents shared Bible stories with my brother and me about our faithful God.  On many occasions they would sit us down and tell us how He’d been faithful to our family, making certain that we knew He was a personal God Who...

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Joy to the World, the Lord Is Come

Joy to the World, the Lord Is Come

What a privilege to hear from Elisabeth Buono this week! You can learn more about her on the contributors page if you'd like. It’s almost Christmas, and a lot of kids all over are probably already shaking their gifts to try to figure out what’s inside. Hot chocolate,...

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Our Hope is in the Lord

Our Hope is in the Lord

We're thrilled to hear devotional thoughts from Jennifer Epperson this week! Stop by the contributors page for just a bit to learn more about her. The election season has finally ended! I am sure that many of you, like myself, are thrilled. Perhaps you, too, are...

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Avoiding Burnout

Avoiding Burnout

We're thrilled to read devotional thoughts from Erica Botha this week! You can learn more about her by stopping by the contributors page. What are boundaries? A fence is a boundary that tells where your yard or property begins and ends. It defines what is yours. My...

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Living Out God’s Grace One Thought At a Time

Living Out God’s Grace One Thought At a Time

Over the past months, I’ve spent time with friends and talked to a number of people who were truly struggling with their thought life.  Encumbered by thoughts of anxiety, hopelessness, discouragement, and even depression, these sweet friends were left...

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Casting All Your Care

Casting All Your Care

What a privilege to hear devotional thoughts from Vick Weimer this week! Take a moment and check out the contributors page to learn more about her! Without thought, I threw my prayer journal onto the table like a hot potato. Nine years previous, I had begun a new...

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The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story

It's wonderful to have devotional thoughts from Rebekah Hawk this week! Take a moment and learn more about her on the contributors page. “Mom, please?” I could tell my daughter was trying to keep the whine out of her voice. “Please? Just one game? Please? You’ve been...

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Purposing to Pray

Purposing to Pray

Prayer.  I truly desire to be a woman of prayer, and I believe each of you do, too! Sometimes, though, desire does not become action, but in order to truly abide in Christ, prayer is a lifeline to finding rest in Him.  And . . . what better verses to...

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Prayer:  A Lifeline in the Chaos

Prayer: A Lifeline in the Chaos

It's a pleasure to hear from Pamela Polanco this week! Stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. I was on the phone with a close friend who was going through an incredibly tough time, and it tore me apart to hear her struggling while I was so far...

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This Little Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine

When Emma and Elisabeth were little, I loved watching them excitedly whirl their pointer fingers in the air as our family sang “This Little Light of Mine” - they certainly enjoyed the lively music and giddy movement that they brought with it.   Often I would...

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A Light in the Dark

A Light in the Dark

It's a pleasure to read devotional thoughts from Elisabeth Buono this week? Don't know her? Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Some days it’s hard to get up. It’s hard to want to face the day. It’s overwhelming to do what lies...

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Behold, I Will Do a New Thing

Behold, I Will Do a New Thing

What a pleasure to hear devotional thoughts from Jennifer Epperson this week! Take a moment to stop by the contributors table to learn more about her. October 2001, nine weeks into my sophomore year of high school, a call came in for me at the school office. My dad...

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An Invitation for You

An Invitation for You

It's a pleasure to hear devotional thoughts from Brittney Basalious this week! If you'd like to learn more about her, just stop by our contributors page. Luke 14: 18-23 And they all with one consent began to make excuses. The first said unto him, I had bought a piece...

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God’s Sheep Dogs

God’s Sheep Dogs

Several years ago, John spoke on Psalm 23:6, and in that message, he referred to goodness and mercy as God’s sheep dogs - sheep dogs that persistently follow after His children and simply won’t let them go.  At that moment, I was...

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The Needful, Little Things

The Needful, Little Things

We're thrilled to hear from Vicki Weimer this week! Take a moment and get to know a bit more about her on the contributors page. "It's the purposeful little movements that make the most difference," she said, "and slowing them down to do them right." This advice from...

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Back to School: The Only Purpose of Teaching

Back to School: The Only Purpose of Teaching

So excited to hear from Rebekah Hawk this week! Stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. I love back to school time. I love getting back into a routine, and I love teaching, so it means that my little cup is going to get filled every day doing what I...

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What is Faith?

What is Faith?

We're thrilled to hear from Brittney Basalious this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. The Lord has been bringing so much revelation to me about the real meaning of faith. I always believed as a child, proclaimed my faith in...

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Hope Thou in God

Hope Thou in God

Do you still have hope?   Whew!  What a loaded question!  Over the years, John has asked me or our girls this exact question.  Despite the discouraging situation we were currently facing . . . did we still have hope?  ...

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Lessons from a Newborn:  Compassion

Lessons from a Newborn: Compassion

This week we're excited to hear from Pamela Polanco! Stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. As I write this, I have been a mom for six full days—crazy, right? That adjective, in particular, holds a lot of meaning for my husband and me because it...

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Just a Chipped Mug

Just a Chipped Mug

It's a joy to hear from Elisabeth Buono this week! Want to learn more about her? Just stop by the contributors page! A couple years ago, I spent some time in a live-in residential treatment center in which our good Savior radically changed my life by taking hold of my...

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The Works of God Made Manifest

The Works of God Made Manifest

This week we're privileged to hear from Jennifer Epperson! If you'd like to learn more about here, you can stop by the contributors page. When Jesus and his disciples passed by the man who had been blind from birth, the disciples’ automatic assumption was that his...

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Trusting the Process

Trusting the Process

What a pleasure to hear from Erica Botha this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. As a little girl, I loved the automatic car wash. It was so much fun to ride through the car wash while soap was sprayed on and some rollers moved...

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I Can Pray

I Can Pray

“Whisper a Prayer” . . . I vividly remember singing this song with my parents when I was a little girl.  That song remained etched in my memory as I went to college, reminding me that fellowshipping with my heavenly Father was key to “keeping my heart in...

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The Revolution of Reconcilliation

The Revolution of Reconcilliation

What a pleasure to hear from Rebekah Hawk this week! If you'd like to learn more about her, you can stop by the contributors page. “But the father said to his servants, 'Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet....

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Unless I Had Believed

Unless I Had Believed

Fainting or believing?  Whether small or big, private or public, challenges inevitably arise in our lives. And though we’ve placed our faith in Christ, we can often find ourselves fainting, lacking in courage or spirit.  Sometimes for a moment.  Sometimes for years.  ...

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Like the First Time

Like the First Time

We're thrilled to have Pamela Polanco share devotional thoughts with us this week! If you'd like to learn more about her, just stop by the contributors page. Recently, I was on the phone with my grandmother. She struggles to remember most things because of her...

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The Hope of the Gospel

The Hope of the Gospel

It's a pleasure to hear from Elisabeth Edmonds this week! You can learn more about her on our contributors page. “Dead people don’t have potential.” These words are written in my Bible in Ephesians 2:1, spoken in a Bible study or sermon I once heard. As a kid, I knew...

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Enduring through the Desert

Enduring through the Desert

Delaney Johnston is sharing devotional thoughts this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. So often, “spiritual deserts” can appear endless. As pressures begin to mount and zeal begins to dimmer, our desire for God (and His Word) can...

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People of Faith

People of Faith

We're thrilled to hear from Jennifer Epperson this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Maybe it’s just me, but when I read through Hebrews 11, I'm confused about some of the people listed in the “Hall of Faith.” Sarah? Gideon?...

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For the Lord is Good

For the Lord is Good

“For the Lord is good.”  This past week John and I sat on our outdoor swing and talked about how good God has been to us over the years.  Our conversation led me to ponder the first five words of Psalm 100:5, “For the Lord is good”; and in those contemplative moments,...

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Set Forth Your Ebenezer Stones!

Set Forth Your Ebenezer Stones!

We're excited to have Brittney Basalious share devotional thoughts with us this week! Learn more about her on the contributors page. As I meditated on what The Lord has for me this week, I sought Him, and I believe He spoke to me saying, "Remember your Ebenezer...

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It is already done

It is already done

It's a pleasure to hear from Rebekah Hawk this week! You can stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. “But I just want you to read it to me right now!” Her puppy dog eyes and mournful whine reproached me. Exasperated, I explained to my six-year-old that...

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Christ:  Our Hope Through Hard Days

Christ: Our Hope Through Hard Days

It's wonderful to hear from Pamela Polanco this week! Feel free to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. It’s a shared reality that trials are an unavoidable part of life, touching both believers and non-believers alike. Yet, for those who follow...

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I Love You, Lord!

I Love You, Lord!

“I love you and am glad you are mine.”  I’m telling you . . . after 26 years of marriage, my heart still leaps when John says those words to me, and a smile effortlessly emerges.  Immediately, I desire to seize the opportunity to share the same...

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Enduring Through the Desert

Enduring Through the Desert

Delaney Johnston is sharing devotional thoughts with us today! You can stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. So often, “spiritual deserts” can appear endless. As pressures begin to mount and zeal begins to dimmer, our desire for God (and His Word) can...

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The Hope of the Gospel

The Hope of the Gospel

It's exciting to have devotional thoughts from Elisabeth Buono this week! You may learn more about her on the contributors page. “Dead people don’t have potential.” These words are written in my Bible in Ephesians 2:1, spoken in a Bible study or sermon I once heard....

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No Variableness

No Variableness

What a blessing it is to hear from Jennifer Epperson today! You can learn a bit about her on our contributors page. Recently, while reading through a book I haven’t read in several years, I found a picture tucked in between the pages. I have no idea why that picture...

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Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice

It's a pleasure to hear from Vicki Weimer this week! Be certain to drop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Seeing the volcanic eruption light up the night from the living room window, I bellowed to my adult son, “Let's drive up to the church and get as...

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My Life After Receiving Grace

My Life After Receiving Grace

Brittney Basalious is sharing devotional thoughts with us this week! Learn more about her on our contributors page. The Bible continually speaks of God’s law. We know God’s most popular list of rules, as most of society calls them, but are truly the Ten Commandments....

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What My Heart Desires

What My Heart Desires

This week Rebekah Hawk brings us our devotional thoughts. You can learn more about her on the contributors page. It seems incredible to me that two years ago, I was fasting and praying for the child I hold today. One year ago, about this time, I found out I was...

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Choose Joy

Choose Joy

It's a pleasure to have devotional thoughts from Pamela Polanco this week! If you'd like to learn more about her, just stop by the contributors page. I recently found myself sitting at the beach, surrounded by beautiful, clean sand. This particular place is one of our...

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Secure Faith Amidst Insecure Cirsumstances

Secure Faith Amidst Insecure Cirsumstances

Delaney Johnston is sharing devotional thoughts with us this week! You can learn more about her on the contribuors page. Have you ever over-filled something before?  Maybe you tried stuffing too many clothes into your laundry bag, or perhaps you attempted to fill...

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Just a Chipped Mug

Just a Chipped Mug

It's a pleasure to read devotional thoughts from Elisabeth Buono this week! Feel free to stop by the contributors page to learn a bit about her. A couple years ago, I spent some time in a live-in residential treatment center in which our good Savior radically changed...

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Strength for Your Days

Strength for Your Days

It's a pleasure to hear from Jennifer Epperson this week! You can learn more about her on the contributors page. In Deuteronomy 33, Moses blesses the children of Israel before his imminent death. He lists a variety of blessings for the tribe of Asher.  “Let Asher...

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God is There

God is There

We're thrilled to hear from Jennifer Epperson this week! Stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. As a homeschooling mother of three—one of whom is a toddler in constant motion—my thoughts are often jumbled, interrupted, or incomplete. Chores are left...

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Is My Speech Acceptable?

Is My Speech Acceptable?

Our culture certainly encourages “speak your mind,” leading people to make statements such as “I had to say something,” “I had no choice,” “I had to speak up for myself,”  “People need to know how I feel.”   We can easily see the fruits of that...

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You Know Me So Well

You Know Me So Well

Our devotional thoughts are coming from Rebekah Hawk this week! If you stop by our contributors page, you can learn a bit about her. “I’m just a little bit sad because Christmas is over,” my nine-year-old son mourned.  “Aww, I hear you. What was everyone’s...

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New Year, New Mercies – Same Faithful God

New Year, New Mercies – Same Faithful God

Excited to read devotional thoughts from Pamela Polanco this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. In reading Lamentations recently, I was captivated by the verses preceding the well-known words of hope and mercy. In a state of...

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Are You at the Right Place?

Are You at the Right Place?

It's a pleasure to hear devotional thoughts from Pamela Polanco this week! You can learn a bit about her on our contributors page. A few Christmases ago, my husband and I were in NYC. I am not a fan of the city, but I must admit it is breathtaking during the Holidays....

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New Mercies

New Mercies

New mercies.  I remember a particularly challenging week for me several years ago.  Every day I awoke, I met with a new set of challenging circumstances and pressures.  Honestly, I was getting worn out, feeling winded at the end of every...

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I Believe; Help My Unbelief

I Believe; Help My Unbelief

Looking forward to hearing devotional thoughts from Delaney Johnston this week! You can learn more about her on our contributors page. Trust.  The Oxford Dictionary defines it as both a noun and a verb—as a “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength...

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Help Me!

Help Me!

Rebekah Hawk is sharing devotional thoughts with us this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. I remember very vividly when I began to embrace my gender. Until I read Caddie Woodlawn, I thought my lot in life was pretty unfair—it...

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Look to Your Finish Line

Look to Your Finish Line

We're excited to have devotional thoughts from Jennifer Epperson this week! You can learn a bit about her on our contributors page. About five years ago, I was having a conversation with someone about how hard it is to see Christian young people pursue relationships...

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By Faith

By Faith

Erica Botha is sharing our devotional thoughts this week! If you don't know her, take a moment and stop by the contributors page. I sat down to read my devotions one morning, and it was Hebrews 11.  I thought, “Ok great, the Hall of Fame of Faith.  I know most of the...

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The Power of God’s Prescriptive Word

The Power of God’s Prescriptive Word

  “Emma, where’s your smile?”  A toddler at the time, Emma was in her bedroom with us playing and was simply in a foul mood.  To help get her out of her funk, John inquired, “Emma, where’s your smile?” He then encouraged her to go find her smile, “Maybe it’s in...

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He Restoreth My Soul

He Restoreth My Soul

It's great to read devotional thoughts from Erica Botha this week! If you'd like to learn a bit more about her, just stop by the contributors page. Psalm 23 is often quoted and especially at funerals.  This year at junior camp Psalm 23 verse 3a came to mind, “He...

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Owning Our Faith

Owning Our Faith

It's great to hear devotional thoughts from Pamela Polanco this week! Stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Growing up under the influence of atheism, it took me some time to trust in Christ after attending church. I heard many people’s testimonies of...

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A Life that Glorifies

A Life that Glorifies

We get to hear devotional thoughts from Delaney Johnston this week! You can learn more about her on the contributors page. Galatians 1:24 is one of those verses that never fails to prick my heart—no matter how many times I’ve read through it.  By way of context,...

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Trusting or Trying

Trusting or Trying

“Are you trusting, or are you trying?”  When my husband was a young boy, his dad called him into the house and asked him this question, a question meant to help him gain perspective.  Over the years, that question has been repeated in our home,...

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Your Face Will Surely Show Your Worship

Your Face Will Surely Show Your Worship

Rebekah Hawk joins us this week to share devotional thoughts! Feel free to stop by the contributors page to learn a bit more about her. Sunday, I had a frank discussion with my son over his behavior during the singing portion of our Sunday morning worship service. I...

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At a Loss

At a Loss

It's a pleasure to hear devotional thoughts from Jennifer Epperson this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Quite often we can find ourselves at a loss for words. We don’t know what to say to a friend grieving over the loss of a...

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Spirit-fed to be Spirit-Led

Spirit-fed to be Spirit-Led

This week we're thrilled to hear from Brittney Basalious! You can learn more about her on the contributors page. Have you ever experienced your heart beating out of your chest, overwhelming unction to share the gospel or something very specific with a total stranger?...

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But God

But God

But God.  This past year our church had a wonderful praise service, and as I listened to several of the testimonies, I heard these two words, two words perfectly chosen to remind us of God’s working in the midst of challenges.   I think we have all...

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God Hears and Sees

God Hears and Sees

How wonderful to have devotional thoughts from Vicki Weimer this week! Want to learn more about her? Just stop by the contributors page! “No, Sarah! Don’t do it!” “Stop, Abraham!” My heart cries out every time I read the Genesis account of Hagar, but the story never...

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This week we get to hear from Erica Botha! Take a moment and learn more about her on the contributors page. When standing by the ocean during a recent beach trip with my husband, the term vast came to mind as the only word to describe the magnitude of the ocean.  We...

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Jennifer Bousquet is sharing our devotional thoughts this week! Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. What comes to mind when you hear the word toxic? Maybe it’s a barrel of radioactive industrial waste or the noxious fumes from chemical...

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When Things Don’t Seem Good

When Things Don’t Seem Good

This week Elisabeth Edmonds is sharing devotional thoughts. If you'd like, you can learn more about her on the contributors page. Probably most of y’all have read this verse many times, memorized it, and been reminded of it during difficult times. But it’s easy for...

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We Can Trust in Him

We Can Trust in Him

John and I used to quote this verse to our girls when they were little - little and afraid of the big dog, little and afraid of the dark.  Whether it were driving down the road, in our prayer time, or sitting beside their bed at nighttime, we used this verse...

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Own Your Confidence in Me, Daughter

Own Your Confidence in Me, Daughter

It's a pleasure to have Brittney Basalious share devotional thoughts with us this week! Please stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. As I was praying to The Lord, in my spirit I heard, “Confidence.” I know that’s the thing I struggle with...

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Wait For It

Wait For It

We're thrilled to hear from Vicki Weimer this week! You can learn a bit about her by stopping by the contributors page. When a new missionary family recently joined our ministry, I got a great gift in their little three-year-old. My new church buddy follows me...

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Nevertheless, He’s Faithful.

Nevertheless, He’s Faithful.

It's great to hear from Pamela Polanco this week! You can always stop by the contributors page if you want to learn more about her. Have you ever felt like those who are apart from God seem to be thriving?  Let’s take a moment to evaluate our perspective:...

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Think on These Things

Think on These Things

We hear a lot about health and wellness in our culture, don’t we?  Don’t get me wrong - I am all for clean eating and being physically active; however, do we pay as much attention to and invest as much time in our spiritual wellness - our thought...

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A Light in the Dark

A Light in the Dark

Elisabeth Edmonds is sharing our devotional thoughts this week. Don't know her? If not, you can stop by the contributors page to get to know her a bit. Some days it’s hard to get up. It’s hard to want to face the day. It’s overwhelming to do what lies before.   Some...

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Why Do Marriages Fail?

Why Do Marriages Fail?

Rebekah Hawk's sharing devotional thoughts with us this week? Take a moment and stop by the contributors page to learn a bit about her. As I was scrolling social media, I noticed a post with the caption “Why do marriages fail?” I was intrigued not only by the question...

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Walk in Him

Walk in Him

Great to hear from Jennifer Epperson this week! Take a moment and stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Paul writes this epistle to the faithful Christians in Colosse. In Colossians 1, he informs these saints that he thanks God for their faith in...

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Living Intentionally

Living Intentionally

“I will do that later”  . . . “I will start that next week” . . . “I’ve got plenty of time.”   Ever uttered those statements?   Time is something we frequently presume to have at our disposal but truly have no ultimate control...

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Seated in Heavenly Places

Seated in Heavenly Places

Brittney Basalious is sharing devotional thoughts with us today. If you stop by the contributors page, you can learn more about her. Last night, my daughter Melody and I went for a walk to the park. As I was strolling her down the road, I thought, “Wow, the view looks...

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A Walk to Remember

A Walk to Remember

It's exciting to hear Cindee's devotional thoughts this week! Don't know her? Stop by the contributors page and learn a bit more about her. I always feel like I’m on a walk.  Sometimes the journey is in a big, overwhelming valley, and sometimes it is a fun, restful...

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Bless the Lord

Bless the Lord

It's wonderful to hear from Jennifer Epperson this week! If you've not done so, stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. To “bless the LORD” is to praise Him. In Psalm 103, David reminds himself to praise God with his whole being for all that He has...

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Enduring through the Desert

Enduring through the Desert

Ready for some wonderful devotional thoughts today? Delaney Johnston is with us this week with what God laid on her heart. She's on the contributors page if you'd like to learn more about her. So often, “spiritual deserts” can appear endless. As pressures begin to...

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All In

All In

All in.  I absolutely love the energy behind those words!  I tend to be a “go big or go home” kind of girl, so these words resonate with me.   Before a sports game - all in!  Before a church outreach - all...

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Yet, God Thinks of Us

Yet, God Thinks of Us

It's exciting to hear from Pamela Polanco this week! Enjoy her devotional post and stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Growing up in the Dominican, I remember once wondering where the island was located and how it looked on the map. I knew little...

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Test Drive and Taste Test

Test Drive and Taste Test

Devotional thoughts from Kimberly Grainger this week! She's not new to the blog, but if you've not stopped by the contributors page already to learn more about her, you can do so today! Our three sons are "motorheads."   So is our model-gorgeous DIL (interestingly,...

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