Morgan Rollins shared devotional thoughts with us this week. Don’t know her? Then head on over to the contributor’s page to learn more about her.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the weight of sin even as a believer? I know that sounds crazy, but the enemy take pleasure in bringing those things to remembrance while the Lord takes pleasure in forgiving and forgetting them.
Once you come to faith in Christ, there is nothing that isn’t covered by His grace- not one thing. The blood of Jesus is literally a blanket of grace around your wearied soul. Psalms 86:5 says, “For thou, Lord, art good and ready to forgive; plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.”
If the Lord is good and ready to forgive, then why do we allow then enemy to keep us weighed down? Why do we not confess our sins if we believe that He is faithful and just (1 John 1:9)?
If there is anything that you have not asked the Lord to forgive you for, then call out to Him because He is ready. We should always keep short accounts with the Lord and live in the victory of knowing Him.
He did not save us so that we would continue in sin or be reminded of those things from our past. He saved us so that we could live in the victory of forgiveness and the joy of our salvation.
He saved us by mercy, and He keeps us by it too. For me, I too often allow the enemy to weigh on my mind, and in that I live in defeat. All the while, Jesus is ready to forgive me so that I can live in the fulness of His victory.
It sounds so simple because it is. If we confess our sins and agree with God over our wrongdoing, then He has promised to forgive us. And if we doubt that, then the enemy has trapped us into doubting God’s promise.
But if we agree with God, and trust His faithfulness to forgive, then we aren’t entangled with that, and we can truly live victoriously. I believe that many Christians are missing out on an intimate relationship with Jesus because they are simply weighed down.
Yes, they have a relationship. No, nothing can take that from them. But the enemy can rob them of the joy of their salvation by simply weighing on their minds.
He can never take our salvation, but he will do all that he can to keep us from living in the fulness of it. All the while, Jesus is calling us to draw nigh to Him. He does not want us to have an average relationship with Him, rather a full, intimate, close relationship with Him.
So, believer, if you find yourself weighed down, look up. Look beyond your sin and shame. Look to Jesus and live in the fulness of knowing Him. He has wholly forgiven you and called you to live a life of joy and victory.
Take heart, the Lord is plenteous in mercy and ready to forgive you.
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