We hear a lot about health and wellness in our culture, don’t we?  Don’t get me wrong – I am all for clean eating and being physically active; however, do we pay as much attention to and invest as much time in our spiritual wellness – our thought life?   

Think about it.  How many people wake up with the desire to struggle with their thought life?  Few.  But before we know it, unfiltered thoughts creep in, and our days, weeks, months, and sometimes years become overshadowed with destructive thoughts.  

Anger, comparison, gossip, lying, pride, negativity, deceit, guilt, attitude, depression, shame, discontentment, fear – if we do not actively invest in our spiritual wellness, these destructive thoughts will set up shop in our minds, wear us down, and shape our responses, leaving us to feel defeated and hopeless.  

But you know what?  Our God does not desire for any of us to harbor destructive thoughts.  He instead gives us verses like Philippians 4:8 to help us filter those soul-draining thoughts!  In this verse, God commands us to think only on that what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. Whew!  Now that’s quite the filtering list!   

Guys, we have the opportunity to stop those destructive thoughts in their tracks and instead focus on those thoughts that edify and grow us in the Lord.  What an encouragement from Philippians 4:8!  Through Him, we have the opportunity to do something about our destructive thoughts before they enter our heart and become part of us.

Now that’s lifechanging health and wellness!