We’re excited to have Brittney Basalious share devotional thoughts with us this week! Learn more about her on the contributors page.

As I meditated on what The Lord has for me this week, I sought Him, and I believe He spoke to me saying, “Remember your Ebenezer stones.” I looked up what the scriptures had to say about an “Ebenezer stone.”

I struggle so deeply with doubt, fear, and feeling unworthy at times. Of course, there are times of great triumph, confidence, and security in my walk with Christ as well. However, lately, I have experienced the latter.

Memories have cascaded through my mind the past several days of all the monumental landmarks where I knew without a doubt that God had intervened in my life. Amid my doubts, my questions, and unending feelings of being unworthy, He told me to set up my Ebenezer stones.

Samuel set up an Ebenezer stone in remembrance to help God’s people remember when His hand was upon them. In Hebrew, the word Ebenezer means “stone of help.” Samuel’s purpose for the stone of remembrance was to remind the Israelites of all that God had done for them.

Before he set up the stone, The Israelites were about to fight their enemies, the Philistines once again. With two prior defeats, I can only imagine the anticipation. The Bible says that the Lord removed the obstacle of defeat and that the Israelites won the battle.

I was reminded of when Christ completely removed my addiction to opiates! Not only that, but I also began to remember thanking Him one day in my car, ugly cry and all! I kept repeating, “Thank you God for this new life.” I look to the right of the road, and I see in huge letters on a semi-truck, “New Life.” Only God! This is one of my favorite of many “Ebenezer Stones.”

Another memory played through my mind like a movie this week. I remembered being about two months into my salvation, and I was drinking far too much on New Years Eve. I almost ended up in a car wreck and somehow ended up in a small bodega around 11 pm to get some food to sober up. The cashier asked me why I was not celebrating the start of a New Year in church. I knew right away God was convicting me. This stone was gentle correction, and frace beyond measure as I deserved something much different.

I will set forth my Ebenezer Stones, and may I be reminded of all the miracles HE has done in my life. When we are in the darkest places, I believe that rhe Lord wants us to place our stones in front of our eyes, gaze upon them, and praise Him for His wonderful works.