Our post this week was penned by Kimberly Grainger. Take a moment and learn more about her on the contributor’s page.
Could’ve been either the hot upstairs bedroom or just that hot fudge brownie I’d had way too close to bedtime, but I suddenly found myself wide awake and strangely inspired in the wee hours.
It’s much more charming now that I’ve no wee, small ones at home, bouncing me awake pre-dawn.
*Side-note: why can brilliance never show her gorgeous face at, say, 10:46 a.m.? That’d be a lovely, post-coffee/Jesus-time window, for pithy insights, no?!
True, I’d prayed for fresh revelation, and do struggle to sit still during business hours (Anyone?).
That’s how I found myself hunched over my glowing cell in the upstairs loft, writing thoughts that (Please, Jesus!) would hopefully make sense to the well-rested and caffeinated.
The more I think about it, though, midnight God-convos make perfect sense.
*David cried into his pillow (all night, per Psalms).
*Jesus wept late-night battles in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Sometimes life’s just too weighty for day-shifts.
At night, we finally stop: still, quiet, and vulnerable. He speaks, and we’re screen-, earbud-, distraction-free enough to listen.
Maybe midnight is the best time, then, to open our heart-doors and pour it all out to Jesus.
He never hurries.
He never condemns.
He never gets frustrated, impatient, or bored.
He always hears.
He always forgives.
He always mends, comforts and loves.
Let’s be still and grasp that He is God.
Wake me, Jesus; I’m listening.
Oh to be more like Him.
Thank you!
That’s my heartcry, too, Kelly!