Darla Forrester shares her thoughts in our devotional post today. She’s new to the blog, so be sure to check her out on the contributor’s page.
How’s it going? Has your day been smooth so far or a little bit bumpy? Maybe you’re a little on edge. Guess what? So am I! Between getting back into school routines and preparing kids for college, there hasn’t been a lot of extra time or energy in my days!
Last week I was thinking about all that’s transpired recently and feeling a little overwhelmed with everything – both personally and professionally – and the Lord brought two verses to my mind that we’re all probably familiar with but need to hear often:
Isaiah 26:3-4 – Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.
You know, the prophet Isaiah had very little peace in his lifetime. His ministry lasted over sixty years during one of the most troubling periods in Judah’s history. The nation was filled with idolatry and unrest – soon to be captured by the Assyrian Empire. Jewish history also claims Isaiah was eventually martyred by being sawn in half by evil King Manasseh.
But despite his circumstances and the overwhelming odds he faced in life, Isaiah knew the secret to peace: 1. Keep your mind on the Lord. 2. Trust in the One Who alone provides everlasting strength. The result? Perfect peace.
When we have perfect peace with Christ, we unleash greater potential, gain clearer perspectives, and discover new paths He has for you and me. But even more importantly, when we have perfect peace with Him, we have peace with others and within ourselves. Only through Him. His strength.
So, when you’re head gets a little fuzzy, and your eyes glaze over this week with all that’s thrown at you – STOP! Read these verses. Refocus your mind on Him and draw from His strength, not your own. Because as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, His grace is sufficient for us, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
And when you trip up, remember: There is nothing – no problem, no question, no worry – that you’ve encountered today that caught God by surprise. He’s not overwhelmed. And He’s not up there saying, “Darla, you’ve totally messed up everything I had planned for today!” He’s got this. He’s got you. And He’s got an amazing plan for your year – your life! – if you invite Him to be a part of it. Keep your mind on Him!
Well said! 🥰🤍