Kimberly Grainger is with us this week and sharing wonderful devotional thoughts! Don’t know her? Just stop by the contributors page and check her out!
For years, Minnesota winters gave us profound appreciation for spring. Snow eventually surrendered, and spring lavished new: flowers blooming, lawns greening, hope awakening.
Yet before fresh vibrancy, we weather winter: the quiet, off-grid, invisible, unapplauded, faithfulness-testing season. There, God’s deepens our roots, strengthening them to support future fruit.
We hear His voice when we quiet other noise.
I’m learning to stay in that posture, listening, teachable, discovering that “new thing.”
And He’s always up to something.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19 ESV
God’s work springs up when HE ordains, not before. My husband preaches, “Don’t pick unripe fruit!”
Early-picking yields hard, bitter, useless.
Ripe-picking yield soft, sweet, nourishing.
His timing is as perfect as His will.
Then, even as He works the new, do we perceive: “become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand”?
My prayer becomes, “Wake me, Lord, and make me conscious of Your work in this season. Fill me with wholehearted obedience and spiritual discernment.”
See, my Creator doesn’t need my gifts, abilities, experiences, training or intellect. He simply wants my surrender.
Sitting in His Presence, recentering in Jesus, finding a godly confidence, I’m rediscovering my passion, fire and zeal.
HIS agenda.
HIS kingdom.
HIS will.
Be Lord.
Be King.
Be Master.
All to Jesus, I surrender.
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