Kimberly Grainger joins us today with devotional thoughts. If you’ve not already done so, head over to the contributors page to learn a bit more about her.

Typically, we’re into candles and choirs, friends and fudge, tinsel and toffee, grandkids and garland.

This year’s different. 

My sister-in-law is very ill. She’ll soon hug the Birthday Boy. 

She’s feeble. Weak. Lighter than a first grader. 

Yet, He’s sent this strangely-wrapped present – His care while caregiving. 

This gift is torn and messy, smudged and broken (like me).  Nope, it’s not prettily packaged, not sporting a fluffy bow and crisply-folded paper, yet my name’s on it. 

I shake it, and He whispers “I AM Emmanuel.”  Powerfully poignant, He’s “God with us” when we change diapers and bedpans, wrap gifts and bake cheesecake, giggle and groan. 

He’s especially near in our broken-hearted rawness. 

I examine the gift, and He affirms, “You are Esther.”  We all have “for such a time as this” seasons, unscheduled and disorganized, yet hand-crafted by Hands that spread to free us. 

I hold this gift, and He challenges “Serve like Me.”  Supreme Creator of all surrendered His rights, humbled Himself, served. 

Changing bedpans is worship. 

Washing dishes is Christ-like. 

Holding bony hands is holy. 

For weeks, He’s called, “Seek My Kingdom first, and all else will be added.”  He’s not only aware, He’s pre-planned answers, blessings, and provisions to satisfy every need. 

We can’t surprise Jesus. 

We’re unable to baffle Him. 

We’ll never overwhelm Christ. 

So, choosing stillness (He’s already there).  I’m grabbing grace. I’m gulping comfort. I’m growing quiet. 

Yet, peaceful.

Yet, joyous.

Yet, hopeful. 

Join me in the glories of quieting our hearts to hear His.