Morgan Rollins provided our post for this week – be sure to head over to the contributor’s page to learn more about her.
Have you ever looked at yourself and thought, “If only I were skinnier, had a better tan, didn’t have freckles, had a smaller nose, different color eyes, different color hair”? I have been there before, and perhaps you have, too.
Our world constantly puts a mirror in front of us to highlight our flaws and conform us into the “perfect image.” But as a child of the King, we know that we were made in the perfect image – the image of God.
Culture often says “a little more make-up, a little less body weight, whiter teeth, and the list goes on. Jesus says, “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
For all of your imperfections, that’s what makes you who God created you to be, and His grace beautifies and adorns you. To think that a perfect God would make us in His own perfect image amazes me!
So, don’t try to conform to the “perfect image” of what the world says – that’s stressful and not beneficial. You are created in the image of God, and while you look different than others, that’s okay – that’s the beauty of your story for His glory. It would be a boring world if everyone looked the same!
Being made in His image is a wonderful privilege that should never be taken lightly. Being made in God’s image and being conformed into it are different. Many people are made in God’s image yet conform their lives to the world.
God chose to create us in His own image, yet, it is our choice to be conformed into His image every day (Romans 12:2). We are not made in God’s image to conform to the world around us.
If you plant a tomato seed, then do not expect a green pepper to come from it. God is calling you to bear fruit for His glory, and He has even given you what you need to bear it and placed you in a field that needs it – and that’s the world around you.
Just like anything in life, you have a choice. I have a choice. Will we be conformed into His image or into the world’s image? We aren’t perfect people, but we are loved people.
He accepts us, loves us, adores us, and treasures us because He is gracious toward us. Instead of throwing up a mirror and expecting us to be conformed to that perfect image, He made us in His perfect image and give us grace for our flaws and imperfections.
Friends, recognize your identity in Jesus and let the weight off. You never were created to conform to the “perfect image” of the world. You were created in the perfect image of God for such a time as this.
This is so true. Sometimes I forget His unconditional love is always there for me. Thanks for sharing this! ❤️
Angie, thank you for taking the time to read it. 🙂 I am so thankful for the identity we have in Jesus and for the privilege it is to know Him. Praise the Lord for His love and grace. 🙂