Who doesn’t love to have friends? What a wonderful gift from God! He certainly delights in fellowshipping with us, but He also desires for us to fellowship with others.
Chatting at church, going out for coffee, talking about hobbies, connecting through social media – though all of these activities evidence mutual interests, they are not what God’s Word outlines as the heartbeat of friendship.
Biblical friendship involves an investment of time not only for mutual interests but also for helping our friends either come to a knowledge of Christ or conform to the image of Christ. It is a personal choice to be a Proverbs 27:17 friend!
The friction suggested by “iron sharpening iron” seems to have a negative connotation, yet it is instead a refreshing process. Helping our friends conform inwardly, to serve God with their whole heart, will inevitably manifest itself outwardly on their face (Prov 17:22).
A Proverbs 27:17 friendship
– provides complete freedom to be honest and transparent.
– remembers that godly friendships are not about us. They are about the other person and her needs.
– considers that sharpening goes both ways (Proverbs 12:1).
– maintains a balance between sharpening and praising.
“True friendship teaches us to love.
True friendship makes us more like Jesus.
True friendship makes us long for Heaven.”
-Anne Hibbard, Treasured Friends: Finding and Keeping True Friendships
We can choose to be a Proverbs 27:17 friend – every. single. day.
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