We’re thrilled to hear from Jennifer Epperson this week! Stop by the contributors page to learn more about her.
As a homeschooling mother of three—one of whom is a toddler in constant motion—my thoughts are often jumbled, interrupted, or incomplete. Chores are left partially completed (hopefully to be finished the same day). I get halfway through a project before I must stop and help a little one.
I have plans to text a friend and check on them, but I stop to get a snack for the kids and forget. Then, I get the snack, but I might forget to give it to my kids. Don’t worry. They always remind me.
God has many more children than I do, but (thankfully) His mind is not limited like my own. God thinks of me and of you, and the sum of his thoughts toward each of us is “more in number than the sand.” Because He is an infinite God, He has innumerable thoughts for each of His children.
When you feel as though you are alone, unloved, unwanted, forgotten—or you’re drowning in grief, trapped by addiction, overcome by guilt, overwhelmed by illness—He remembers you and loves you.
Psalm 139 is an uplifting reminder of how important you are to God.
He knows you thoroughly.
He even knows the small things—like when you sit down or when you get up.
He understands your thoughts before you even think them.
He surrounds you no matter where you are.
He is acquainted with all your ways.
He knows your words before you speak them.
He has His hand upon you.
There is nowhere you can go that He is not.
His light can illuminate the darkest place in which you may find yourself.
He created you; therefore, He has always known you.
And He is always thinking of you—thoughts most precious.
Sometimes we think if people really knew us, they could never really love us. God is not a mere person. He and His love are perfect and eternal. The One Who knows you more intimately than you even know yourself loves you—scars, flaws, and all. Sometimes we may feel utterly alone, but we never are. The God of all creation holds us.
Does sin have a stronghold in your life? God is there. Has fear left you unable to function? God is there. No matter where life finds you right now, God is there. Not out of obligation. He wants to be there. Do not try and distance yourself from Him. (Besides, the psalmist David has already established that you cannot).
Amid our greatest struggles, we tend to push God away more vehemently. We want to wait until we have fixed everything on our own. But He has told us to cast our cares upon Him. Let the One Who made you, knows you, and loves you comfort you and be there for you as only He can.
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