Kimberly Grainger is sharing our devotional thoughts this week! I’m sure you’ll be blessed – take a moment and learn more about her on the contributor’s page.
God’s plans often explode our heads. The united armies of Israel, Judah, and Edom asked the prophet Elisha for God’s direction as they faced their archenemies, the Moabites.
In His unanticipated, unprecedented way, God gave Elisha a message for those united armies – dig ditches.
They were thirsty, but He said to FILL the valley with ditches.
So, He answered their pleas for water by giving them a thirst-inducing job.
This was no logical battleplan.
Surprisingly, though, the parched warriors dug.
They didn’t understand.
They didn’t know why.
They did obey.
Then, God sent crazy deliverance, filling that ditch-covered valley with water and fully satisfying the soldiers’ and their cattle’s thirst.
But wait- there’s more! God allowed the Moabite army to see that new lake at sunrise, mistake it for blood, believe they’d already won, march in (cocky and confident), and be utterly destroyed by God’s armies.
See, the united army chose to “trust in the Lord with all their hearts, and lean not unto their own understanding,” and God lavished victory.
So, what in your life today needs a faith-fueled, ditch-digging session?
The measure of their obedience brought the abundance of their deliverance.
What if they’d been all ornery and defiant, insisting on their own understanding, “Why should we dig? We’re already thirsty, and that’ll make it worse. Who digs ditches right before a battle, anyway?! It doesn’t make sense, and we won’t do it!”
Simple: no miracle.
No amazing faith story.
I wanna dig a zillion ditches because I may not see His plan, yet I can trust His heart.
I want a ginormous lake of His overflowing blessings because I obeyed.
How ’bout you?
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