
New Things

New Things

Kimberly Grainger is with us this week and sharing wonderful devotional thoughts! Don't know her? Just stop by the contributors page and check her out! For years, Minnesota winters gave us profound appreciation for spring. Snow eventually surrendered, and spring...

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Iron Sharpeneth Iron

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

Who doesn’t love to have friends?  What a wonderful gift from God! He certainly delights in fellowshipping with us, but He also desires for us to fellowship with others. Chatting at church, going out for coffee, talking about hobbies, connecting through...

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Sin-Repent-Repeat Cycle

Sin-Repent-Repeat Cycle

This week we get to hear from Brittney Basalious. Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. After reading these verses, I knew I wasn’t ok. These verses were terrifying for me. Once I learned Who God was, and that He can’t lie, I accepted that...

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What Time is It?

What Time is It?

It's a pleasure to hear from Vicki Weimer this week. Be sure to take a moment and get to know her a bit more on the contributors page. To find the time, we look at a clock. To know the season, we look at a calendar. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To every thing...

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Wave the White Flag

Wave the White Flag

It's wonderful to hear from Jennifer Epperson this week! If you've not stopped by the contributers page to learn more about her, you can do that today! Before our third daughter’s birth, my husband and I had already decided that she would be our last child. A...

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Our Times are in His Hand

Our Times are in His Hand

Ready for a thought-provoking devotional post? Well, Delaney Johnston gives us just that this week - check her out on the contributors page. As evidence of his humble trust, the psalmist penned these words during what, ironically, is often considered one of his...

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Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know

Being intentional.  Ever caught yourself saying to someone or even thinking to yourself, “I could have done that” or “I should have done that”?  I know I've said both of those statements far too many times.  What does being intentional even mean?  Being intentional...

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Greater Than My Worries

Greater Than My Worries

Pamela Polanco shares devotional thoughts with us this week. You may learn more about her on the contributors page. After reading Psalm 94 recently, I realized that I —unlike the psalmist— sometimes struggle to make sense of my circumstances or the world around me. I...

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He Hears Our Voice

He Hears Our Voice

It's wonderful to hear from Lisa Joyner this week - her first time on the blog! If you don't know her, please stop by the contributors page to learn a bit about her. In February 2012, I was shocked to learn that I was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer, one...

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Our Dwelling Place

Our Dwelling Place

It's great to hear from Pamela Polanco this week. If you would like to learn more about her, check out the contributors page - you'll be able to learn more about her + all of the other fantastic writers. When my husband and I traveled on deputation, he always looked...

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In Every Thing Give Thanks

In Every Thing Give Thanks

“In every thing give thanks.”  That can certainly seem like a tall order on some days, can’t it?  Give thanks even when we are mistreated?  Cut off in traffic?  Not given the benefit of the doubt? Passed over for a job opportunity?  Misrepresented?  Even then,...

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Desperate for Deliverance

Desperate for Deliverance

It's wonderful to hear from Jennifer Bousquet this week! If you'd like to learn more about her, check out the contributors page. I woke from a few restless hours of sleep to the sound of my baby crying from the next room.  He needed me. The familiar pit instantly...

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Looking into the Law

Looking into the Law

Rebekah Hawk is sharing our devotional thoughts this week. If you don't know her, stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Laws usually remind me of restrictions. I must not drive too fast, I may not keep all the hard-earned money I earn, I am not...

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God is There

God is There

This week we get to hear from a new writer - Jennifer Epperson! You can learn more about her on the contributors page, so take a moment and check her out. As a homeschooling mother of three—one of whom is a toddler in constant motion—my thoughts are often jumbled,...

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Praying Like a Child

Praying Like a Child

It's great to hear devotional thoughts from Rebekah Hawk this week! She's a regular on the blog; however, if you've not done so yet, stop by the contributors desk to learn more about her. Having grown up in church, I have so much head knowledge about prayer, but I...

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The Eternal Value of a Quiet Soul

The Eternal Value of a Quiet Soul

It's exciting to hear from Delaney Johnston this week! If you've not done so already, stop by the contributors page and learn more about her. Have you ever read a verse in the Bible that quite literally made you stop in your tracks?  You know, one of those, “No way....

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Choosing to Abide

Choosing to Abide

abide  “to remain, to dwell” . . . As I contemplate what it means to abide in Christ, I find it simply overwhelming that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, desires that I – with all my many failures - abide in Him!  I believe our heart’s desire truly is to abide in Christ,...

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Living Intenionally for Christ

Living Intenionally for Christ

It's wonderful to hear from Brittney Basalious this week. If you've not already done so, take a moment and stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Every day, every hour, every minute, and every single second of our lives is full of purpose. We meet our...

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Joy to the World, the Lord is Come

Joy to the World, the Lord is Come

Hello, everyone! Elisabeth Edmonds is sharing devotional thoughts with us right before Christmas Day! She's new to the blog, so be sure to head over to the contributors page to learn more about her. it’s almost Christmas, and a lot of kids all over are probably...

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Lord, Redirect My Will

Lord, Redirect My Will

We are privileged to hear from Pamela Polanco this week! Be sure to head over to the contributors page so that you can learn more about her. Oh, sweet Christmastime! I’m certain that we all have a favorite memory around this time of joyfully celebrating the birth of...

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My Emmanuel

My Emmanuel

Kimberly Grainger joins us today with devotional thoughts. If you've not already done so, head over to the contributors page to learn a bit more about her. Typically, we're into candles and choirs, friends and fudge, tinsel and toffee, grandkids and garland. This...

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For the Word of God

For the Word of God

Relevant.  This word often drives our thinking, leading us to seek devotional books, podcasts, blogs, and conversations that address our current needs and satisfy the longing in our hearts.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not against devotional...

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No Finagling Necessary

No Finagling Necessary

This week Kelly Lawson is sharing our devotional thoughts. Be sure to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. I've been teaching stories from the life of Abraham to my elementary students the last two months. I find that studying to teach Bible stories...

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But I Have Called You Friends

But I Have Called You Friends

Isn’t it wonderful to have friends?  You know – those that we can share our disappointments, fears, and thoughts with, those that we can go to for advice, those that we grab coffee with and laugh with at the silliest of things.  Godly friendship is...

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The Beauty of Blessedness

The Beauty of Blessedness

Delaney Johnston shares devotional thoughts with us today! She's over on the contributors page if you would like to learn more about her. Recently, God has directed me to study through the Psalms. One lesson He has taught me through this study is the literal meaning...

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Then They Will Fast

Then They Will Fast

We are privileged to hear from Rebekah Hawk this week! If you would like to know more about her, just check out the contributors page. Confession: I have found myself saying, “I’m praying about ___” –whether it was a big decision we were facing, a request for healing,...

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Freedom in Surrender

Freedom in Surrender

It's a pleasure to hear from Delaney Johston this week! Take a moment and read what the Lord laid on her heart. Want to know a bit more about her? Stop by the contributors page. As evidence of his humble trust, the psalmist penned these words during what, ironically,...

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Continue in My Love

Continue in My Love

I'm thrilled to share some thoughts with you this week! Our God is so very good! It's refreshing to pause and reflect each week on a biblical truth together. “As the Father hath loved me” . . . The Father’s love for His only Son . . . What thought-provoking words from...

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No Safer Place

No Safer Place

It's a privilege to hear from Pamela Polanco this week! If you want to learn a bit more about her, just stop by the contributor's page. When I was younger, my family visited a book fair. That day, the Dominican president was autographing books for small...

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Diggin’ Ditches

Diggin’ Ditches

Kimberly Grainger is sharing our devotional thoughts this week! I'm sure you'll be blessed - take a moment and learn more about her on the contributor's page. God's plans often explode our heads. The united armies of Israel, Judah, and Edom asked the prophet Elisha...

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Slaves Ask “What?”

Slaves Ask “What?”

It's a pleasure to hear from Rebekah Hawk this week! Take a read - I'm sure you'll enjoy the devotional thoughts. If you want to get to know her a bit more, stop by the contributors page. My little idea that I’d like to share with you today comes from the excellent...

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Return to Your First Love

Return to Your First Love

We're privileged to hear from Brittney Basalious today! Head on over to the contributors page to learn more about her. What does it mean to leave your first love? Have you felt overwhelmed, distant, and spiritually dry in your walk with Christ recently? Every prayer,...

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I Don’t Care What Anyone Else Thinks

I Don’t Care What Anyone Else Thinks

Rebekah Hawk is sharing devotional thoughts with us again this week. You can learn more about her on the contributor's page. When I say, “I don’t care what people think of me; I only care what God thinks,” I find myself making a statement of either extreme arrogance...

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My Faithful God

My Faithful God

For as long as I can remember, my parents shared Bible stories with my brother and me about our faithful God.  On many occasions, they would sit us down and tell us how He’d been faithful to our family, making certain that we knew He was a personal God Who cared about...

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It's a pleasure to hear from Brittney Basalious this week. She's new to the blog, so be sure to stop by the contributor's page to learn more about her. The story of Hosea is interposed between a prostitute’s relationship with her husband and many lovers. The woman of...

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This week we get to hear from Erica Botha. Stop by the contributor's page to learn more about her. At a basketball tournament I attended, a pastor gave a challenge that bears repeating.  He said the message was not his own but rather one he had heard many years before...

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But If Not

But If Not

We get to hear from Pamela Polanco this week! Learn more about her on the contributor's page if you would like. Have you ever felt trapped in a situation where you are acutely aware of your human fragility? Perhaps it was a medical diagnosis, the loss of a dear one,...

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Setback?  or Set-up?

Setback? or Set-up?

This week we get to hear once again from Kimberly Grainger! If you don't know her, just head over to the contributer's page to snag a few details. So, in the Judges 7 account of Gideon's battle with the Midianites, we know the odds were never in their favor.  Scholars...

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Knowing Our God:  An Intentional Pursuit

Knowing Our God: An Intentional Pursuit

Welcome back, everyone!  In my last post, “Knowing Our God:  an Intentional Pursuit,” we began our journey together to intentionally pursue a deeper relationship with our God.   We first studied how we could know Him more through His...

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Convenient or Consistent Ethics?

Convenient or Consistent Ethics?

Rebekah Hawk shares our devotional thoughts this week. Some of you may be new to the blog and are not familiar with her. You can learn a bit about her by checking out the contributor's page. This summer, my secular instructor defined ethics as “actions, beliefs, and...

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Hello!  Are you there?

Hello! Are you there?

We get to hear from Cindee Bailey this week! She's new to our blog, so make certain to stop by the contributor's page and learn more about her. I was sitting in a hospital room watching my mom drift from me.  It was a very long journey, and I struggled...

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Knowing our God:  An Intentional Pursuit

Knowing our God: An Intentional Pursuit

Monday.  So, I know a lot of people don’t love Mondays, but I actually anticipate them!  Crazy, right?  Why in the world would someone love Mondays?  Well, I love them because they offer me the time to hit the refresh button on existing goals + start with fresh energy...

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Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace

Darla Forrester shares her thoughts in our devotional post today. She's new to the blog, so be sure to check her out on the contributor's page. How’s it going? Has your day been smooth so far or a little bit bumpy? Maybe you’re a little on edge. Guess what? So am I!...

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God Wants Me to Be Happy

God Wants Me to Be Happy

Hello, everyone! We get to hear from Rebekah Hawk this week, one of our regular writers. If you've not already done so, check her out on the contributor's page. “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Yesterday...

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Never Satisfied

Never Satisfied

Jenn Bousquet shares our devotional thoughts this week. Don't know her? Take a moment and check her out on the contributor's page. Recently, one of my elderly extended family members had to be moved into a retirement home because she could no longer care for her...

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Living Out God’s Grace One Thought at a Time

Living Out God’s Grace One Thought at a Time

Over the past months, I’ve spent time with friends and talked to a number of people who were truly struggling with their thought life.  Encumbered by thoughts of anxiety, hopelessness, discouragement, and even depression, these sweet friends were left...

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Draw Nigh to God

Draw Nigh to God

This week we get to hear from Erica Botha. Not familiar with her? You can learn a bit about her by heading to the contributor's page. This verse first came to my attention during evangelistic meetings at our church many years ago.  I LOVED the promise to...

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Abiding in Jesus

Abiding in Jesus

Victoria Weimer penned our devotional this week. Be certain to stop by the contributors page to learn more about her! Have you ever heard an apple tree grunting while it pushes a shiny Red Delicious from its branches? What about a tomato vine? Have you ever heard it...

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Overcoming Darkness

Overcoming Darkness

Rebekah Hawk shared devotional thoughts with us this week! You can learn more about her on the contributor's page. We could all agree that we are living in dark days. One could argue that everyone since Adam and Eve’s Fall has been living in dark days—ours only seem...

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Purposing to Pray

Purposing to Pray

Prayer.  I truly desire to be a woman of prayer, and I believe each of you do, too! Sometimes, though, desire does not become action, but in order to truly abide in Christ, prayer is a lifeline to finding rest in Him.  And . . . what better verses to...

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Renewed Minds

Renewed Minds

This week we get to hear from Rose Song! Check out the contributor's page to learn more about her. Renewed MindsBTS. K-Pop. K-Drama. K-Beauty. Gangnam Style. Squid Game.  Latest trends so palpable, you can’t go so far as to hold a conversation without being...

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Paddleboard Lessons

Paddleboard Lessons

We are blessed to hear from Kimberly Grainger this week! You can learn more about her on the contributor's page. Several years back, our four teenagers begged for a family paddleboarding adventure.  Minnesota, “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” offered abundant opportunity, so...

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It is Better

It is Better

This week we get to hear from Morgan Rollins. If you do not know her, be sure to stop by the contributor's page to learn more about her. What does it mean “to trust”? What does it mean “to put confidence in”?  “To trust” means to have faith in, to believe in...

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This Little Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine

When Emma and Elisabeth were little, I loved watching them excitedly whirl their pointer fingers in the air as our family sang “This Little Light of Mine” - they certainly enjoyed the lively music and giddy movement that they brought with it.   Often I would...

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Use Words.

Use Words.

Rebekah Hawk shares devotional thoughts with us this week. Be sure to stop by the contributor's page to learn more about her. “Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words.”  No doubt many have heard this pithy saying, often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi....

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A Painful Surrender

A Painful Surrender

This week Pamela Polanco penned our devotional thoughts. She's written for us before, but if you've not yet met her, just check out the contributor's page to learn more about her. When I was six years old, I witnessed a gruesome, nerve-wracking altercation. My mom and...

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Why Be Weighed Down When You Can Rise Up?

Why Be Weighed Down When You Can Rise Up?

Morgan Rollins shared devotional thoughts with us this week. Don't know her? Then head on over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the weight of sin even as a believer? I know that sounds crazy, but the enemy take...

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God’s Sheepdogs

God’s Sheepdogs

Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” God’s sheepdogs.  Several years ago, John spoke on Psalm 23:6, and in that message, he referred...

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Lonely, But Not Alone

Lonely, But Not Alone

Rose Song penned our thoughts for this week. Be sure to learn more about her on the contributor's page. God unexpectedly uprooted our little family of three to rural North Carolina. Mothering a toddler in new surroundings sent a deluge of loneliness I didn’t see...

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Controlled Burn

Controlled Burn

We have the privilege to hear from Kimberly Grainger this week! Be sure to check her out on the contributor's page. When a Floridian family's grown kids come home for Christmas, they hike.  So, while navigating the trail, I'd noticed a sign explaining the...

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EL Roi:  The God Who Sees Me

EL Roi: The God Who Sees Me

Morgan Rollins penned our devotional thoughts this week. Be sure to check out the contributor's page to learn more about her. I recently did a study on some of the specific names of God and they are all so comforting. Each and every one of them assures me that He is...

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Hope Thou in God

Hope Thou in God

Do you still have hope?   Whew!  What a loaded question!  Over the years, John has asked me or our girls this exact question.  Despite the discouraging situation we were currently facing . . . did we still have hope?  ...

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Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

Joy Lewis penned our devotional this week! Don't know her? Check her out on the contributor's page. It’s a Monday morning. I sit at the cancer center for tests and treatment once again. So many hours over the last 4 years have been spent here or other facilities like...

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A Love Like No Other

A Love Like No Other

Pamela Polanco penned our devotional this week! Stop by the contributor's page to learn more about her. Lately, our world has been plagued by commercialized love (the one we express through gifts and notes). It is certainly good to show love. However, this kind of...

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Leading, Not Managing My Children

Leading, Not Managing My Children

Rebekah Hawk penned our devotional thoughts this week! You can learn more about her on the contributor's page. A few days ago, I listened to a podcast about leadership. The networking marketing podcast was about the difference between managers and leaders and how to...

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I Can Pray

I Can Pray

“Whisper a Prayer” . . . I vividly remember singing this song with my parents when I was a little girl.  That song remained etched in my memory as I went to college, reminding me that fellowshipping with my heavenly Father was key to “keeping my heart in...

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God’s Timing and Sovereignty

God’s Timing and Sovereignty

This week Rose Song provided our devotional post. Take a moment and check her out on the contributor's page! Being in Korea the past four years, our trip to the grocery store was just another outing. My youngest five year old was conversing with me in English when a...

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Crashing Pianos

Crashing Pianos

Kimberly Grainger penned our devotional thoughts this week. Don't know her? Then be sure to stop by the contributor's page and check her out. My mom teaches piano.  Well, she did, for 50 years, so you'd better believe I took lessons. I'd played actively, ages 5-20,...

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Joshua, Antarctica, & 2022

Joshua, Antarctica, & 2022

Rebekah Hawk shared her thoughts with us this week. Be sure to check out the contributor's page to learn more about her. As I reflect on the end of 2021, and reach forward to 2022, the passage that our family has been reading aloud every school morning has been...

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Unless I Had Believed

Unless I Had Believed

Fainting or believing?  Whether small or big, private or public, challenges inevitably arise in our lives. And though we’ve placed our faith in Christ, we can often find ourselves fainting, lacking in courage or spirit.  Sometimes for a...

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Revealing the Greatest Gift

Revealing the Greatest Gift

Heather Yost provided our post for this week! Be sure to check her out on the contributor's page. Who doesn’t enjoy a beautifully wrapped gift?  Some of us put more emphasis on wrapping than others, but most of us agree that there’s something special about a gift...

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Christmas is the Darkest Night of the Year

Christmas is the Darkest Night of the Year

Rebekah Hawk shared her thoughts in this week's post. Take a moment and learn more about her on the contributor's page. Growing up, we never had a Christmas tree because my father was convinced that they were symbols of pagan traditions surrounding Winter Solstice....

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Experiencing God’s Love in the Body of Christ

Experiencing God’s Love in the Body of Christ

Julie McCrum penned our devotional this week. Be sure to check her out on the contributor's page. The book of 1 John has a lot to say about God’s love. We are taught that “God is love” (1 John 4:8), that He showed His love by sending Christ to die for us (1 John...

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For the Lord is Good

For the Lord is Good

“For the Lord is good.”  This past week John and I took a road trip, and as we drove, we talked about how good God has been to us over the years.  Our conversation led me to ponder the first five words of Psalm 100:5, “For the Lord is good”; and in those contemplative...

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Keep the Vision

Keep the Vision

Delaney Johnston penned our devotional this week. Be sure to head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. A few months ago, I first heard the term “myopic faith.” Sounds fancy, but what is it? Well, myopia is essentially a health condition...

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Waiting on the Lord in Good Company

Waiting on the Lord in Good Company

Rebekah Hawk penned our devotional thoughts this week - be sure to head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. When my husband and I began contemplating how God might use us to provide foster care in our community, we knew there would be a waiting...

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Kimbery Grainger penned our devotional thoughts this week. Be sure to stop by the contributor's page to learn more about her. When you've walked deep tragedy - that room-spinning, nausea-inducing, chest-aching, sob-crying agony of real suffering - you get really...

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I Love You, Lord!

I Love You, Lord!

“I love you and am glad you are mine.”  I’m telling you . . . after 26 years of marriage, my heart still leaps when John says those words to me, and a smile effortlessly emerges.  Immediately, I desire to seize the opportunity to share the same...

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Hope Against Hope

Hope Against Hope

Delaney Johnston penned our devotional post this week. Stop by the contributor's page to learn more about her. Just recently, as I was reading through one of my favorite passages in Scripture, Romans 4, I learned something new—something that I had never noticed...

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Yet Not Broken

Yet Not Broken

Amy Yohe penned our devotional this week. Be sure to head to the contributor's page to learn more about her. Ever feel stretched to the point of snapping? That feeling can bubble up and threaten to dramatically erupt for a variety of reasons.  Too many things vying...

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Forgiveness is Not Excusing

Forgiveness is Not Excusing

Rebekah Hawk penned our devotional this week. Be sure to check out the contributor's page to learn more about her. It’s no secret that the people closest to us can hurt us the most. Often, we find ourselves forgiving our close family members and dear friends for...

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New Mercies

New Mercies

New mercies.  I remember a particularly challenging week for me several years ago.  Every day I awoke, I met with a new set of challenging circumstances and pressures.  Honestly, I was getting worn out, feeling winded at the end of every...

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Fighting a Forgetful Heart

Fighting a Forgetful Heart

Claire Lewis penned our devotional post for this week. Be sure to head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. I am so quick to forget.  We've all been there - you enter a room and immediately forget what you came in for. Maybe you’ve forgotten...

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A World Created to Praise

A World Created to Praise

This week's post was written by Heather Yost. Be sure to check out the contributor's page to learn more about her. When the Bible talks about how the LORD’s name is to be praised, from the rising of the sun “unto the going down of the same,” I had always thought that...

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God’s Word:  The Perfect Prescription

God’s Word: The Perfect Prescription

“Emma, where’s your smile?”  A toddler at the time, Emma was in her bedroom with us playing and was simply in a foul mood.  To help get her out of her funk, John inquired, “Emma, where’s your smile?”  He then encouraged her to go find her...

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Secure Faith Amidst Insecure Circumstances

Secure Faith Amidst Insecure Circumstances

Delaney Johnston penned our devotional thoughts this week! Be sure to learn more about her on the contributor's page. Have you ever over-filled something before?  Maybe you tried stuffing too many clothes into your laundry bag, or perhaps you attempted to fill a...

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Holding Your Peace on Social Media

Holding Your Peace on Social Media

Rebekah Hawk wrote our devotional post this week. Be sure to head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. The words hate and despise are such strong words, and I don’t know about you, but I often say something...

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Our post this week was penned by Kimberly Grainger. Take a moment and learn more about her on the contributor's page. Could've been either the hot upstairs bedroom or just that hot fudge brownie I'd had way too close to bedtime, but I suddenly found myself wide awake...

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The Resilience of a Wildflower

The Resilience of a Wildflower

Delaney Johnston penned our post for this week. Head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her! wildflower (n): a flower of an uncultivated variety or a flower growing freely without human intervention. ———— Growing up, one of the nicknames my nan gave me...

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Trusting or Trying

Trusting or Trying

“Are you trusting, or are you trying?”  When my husband was a young boy, his dad called him into the house and asked him this question, a question meant to help him gain perspective.  Over the years, that question has been repeated in our home,...

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Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord

Our post this week was written by Kelly Lawson! Head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. Proverbs 3:5-6 are some of the most recognized and memorized verses in the Bible. How can we truly trust in a person that we do not know? I hope this short...

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Don’t Miss Out on God’s Goodness

Don’t Miss Out on God’s Goodness

Pamela Polanco brings us our devotional post this week - head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. My husband and I recently visited a church to share a ministry report where we were invited out to eat at Arby's after visitation time with staff and...

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Made in His Image

Made in His Image

Morgan Rollins provided our post for this week - be sure to head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. Have you ever looked at yourself and thought, “If only I were skinnier, had a better tan, didn’t have freckles, had a smaller nose, different color...

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But God

But God

But God.  This past year our church had a wonderful praise service, and as I listened to several of the testimonies, I heard these two words, two words perfectly chosen to remind us of God’s working in the midst of challenges.   I think we have all...

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A Blessed House

A Blessed House

Heather Peets penned our post for this week. Be sure to head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her! As my husband and I have pursued a life of ministry, we’ve lived in some less-than-ideal homes. Though I can laugh about it now, it was not at all...

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Serve and Obey

Serve and Obey

This week's post was written by Ruth Weldon. Be sure to head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. Abraham was a godly man that answered the Lord with "here I am.” You see, Abraham did not ask the details of God's request, nor did he express any...

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This post was written by Heather Yost, precious friend and coffee buddy. Head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. Military life has provided many opportunities for spiritual growth and insight- especially when things get difficult and sometimes...

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We Can Trust in Him

We Can Trust in Him

John and I used to quote this verse to our girls when they were little - little and afraid of the big dog, little and afraid of the dark.  Whether it were driving down the road, in our prayer time, or sitting beside their bed at nighttime, we used this verse...

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Pouring from an Empty Cup

Pouring from an Empty Cup

This post was written by Rebekah Hawk, dear friend and colleague. Head over to the contributor's page to learn more about her. We are constantly being told to make sure we take time for ourselves. We are reminded to practice self-care, and that self-care looks...

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Wait For It

Wait For It

This week's post was written by Kimberly Grainger, one of my dearest friends. Learn more about her on the contributor's page. As children, we're told "It'll be worth the wait!"  But, as adults, we sometimes struggle with delayed...

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