This week we are excited to read devotional thoughts from Cindee Bailey. You can learn more about her on the contributors page.

A new year and a new beginning! 

For some, changes are being made to be more active or eat healthier, for others change might mean being better stewards of their finances or expressing more love and gratitude.  While these changes are awesome, I was challenged to fully examine my relationship with the Lord; do a spiritual wellness check, so to speak. 

One thing I had to ask myself is “how is the quality, not quantity, of my time in prayer and bible reading?”  It made me realize that so many times I am just checking the box and not allowing myself to slow down and rest in the presence of the Lord.  Some days this is hard because I am moving full speed ahead with the items on my “to do” list and forget to pause and really let my devotion and prayer time be a time for worshipping God. 

The word “pause” means to interrupt an action, a break, to stop temporarily.  Whoa!  In a fast-paced schedule, that seems impossible, right?  It says in 1 Chronicles 16:1 to “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek his presence continually.”  This tells me that it is very important to pause, without distractions, and give myself time to truly be in His presence. 

I know by doing this that I will experience a deeper relationship with Christ and my time with Him will be precious and life changing.