This week we get to hear from Erica Botha. Not familiar with her? You can learn a bit about her by heading to the contributor’s page.
This verse first came to my attention during evangelistic meetings at our church many years ago. I LOVED the promise to draw close to God and that he would draw near to me! I clung to the first part of the verse and ignored the second sentence in the verse.
Focusing on the first part of the verse, I had to remind myself of the truth of God’s Word that He doesn’t move. If anyone has moved, it’s me. How do I draw close then? I checked the boxes of devotions, church, serving in different ministries, and praying. Those actions are only part of drawing close.
Still, God’s word is continually working to shape us, and one day I was reflecting on the second part of the verse. “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” Then it dawned on me. When there’s unconfessed sin in my life, I can’t draw close to God.
This struck me as somewhat similar to a story I often share with children I work with through different ministries. If I tell my daughter that she can’t have a cookie before dinner, and she goes into the pantry and sneaks one anyway. I won’t know. (This is where the illustration breaks down because God is omniscient – Proverbs 15:3)
She’ll know and feel guilty while trying to keep what she has done a secret. She won’t come to me to talk or hang out because something separates us and keeps her from enjoying the fellowship we could have. Once she tells me and is offered forgiveness, that invisible wall between us is removed. We can enjoy our relationship and the closeness it provides.
We can draw close to God by confessing those sins that are separating us from Him. We often think of sin in terms of degrees of sinfulness, but the truth is sin is sin, big or small. I might have snapped at my husband or my children and not even thought to confess it.
Sadly, I might not have even had it on my radar that it was sinful behavior. He wants us to cleanse our hands and our hearts. He hasn’t moved, and He is ready to offer the forgiveness and fellowship we so desperately need.
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