When Emma and Elisabeth were little, I loved watching them excitedly whirl their pointer fingers in the air as our family sang “This Little Light of Mine” – they certainly enjoyed the lively music and giddy movement that they brought with it.  

Often I would watch them and find myself contemplating the responsibility that John and I had to teach our girls that those words should lead to action.  Choosing daily to “let it shine” and not to “hide it under a bushel” – How do we practically apply those words to our daily Christian living?  

Matthew 5:16 command us to “let our light shine before men,” making clear that our God expects that our conversations and behavior be holy, pure, and faithful everywhere we go.  Every day.  Everywhere.  We should let it be seen that we are real Christians.  Not for our own puffing up  – but so that we may bring glory to Him and so that others might be saved. 

Children’s songs get real when we move words to action, don’t they?