Our Dwelling Place

Our Dwelling Place

It’s great to hear from Pamela Polanco this week. If you would like to learn more about her, check out the contributors page – you’ll be able to learn more about her + all of the other fantastic writers. When my husband and I traveled on deputation,...
In Every Thing Give Thanks

In Every Thing Give Thanks

“In every thing give thanks.”  That can certainly seem like a tall order on some days, can’t it?  Give thanks even when we are mistreated?  Cut off in traffic?  Not given the benefit of the doubt? Passed over for a job opportunity?  Misrepresented?  Even then,...
Desperate for Deliverance

Desperate for Deliverance

It’s wonderful to hear from Jennifer Bousquet this week! If you’d like to learn more about her, check out the contributors page. I woke from a few restless hours of sleep to the sound of my baby crying from the next room.  He needed me. The familiar...
Looking into the Law

Looking into the Law

Rebekah Hawk is sharing our devotional thoughts this week. If you don’t know her, stop by the contributors page to learn more about her. Laws usually remind me of restrictions. I must not drive too fast, I may not keep all the hard-earned money I earn, I am not...